Tuesday, September 4, 2012

How to Keep That Oily Look OUT of your Day!

If you are like millions of Americans out there.... your skin gets an oily build up or a sheen during the course of the day.
And you've probably tried countless number of things to stop it or keep the problem at bay. But have noticed.... they're not working!

So what can you do to help oily skin build up during your work day?

Well, there can be a variety of reasons why your skin produces a surplus of oil; genetics, foods we eat, environment, stress, etc. So the best defense you’ll find, is to do a combination of things to  keep the oil production to a minimum.

First of all, find a cleanser and toner cleaning routine that normalizes your oil production.
For more severe oily skin on the verge of acne, you will need a product that helps fight acneic skin. Cleansers with a rich foaming ability are the best for these oilier skin types. 

Secondly, It's quite common for people to touch their face throughout the day, but doing so, transfers what's on your fingers and hands right on to your face. For example, the oil from your hands will get dabbed right onto your facial skin when you touch your face with your hands and fingers.  Also, it doesn’t take much for your hands to get dirty, even if they don’t look like they’re dirty.

Third, Use a powder make-up product that is particularly designed to absorb oils from the skin. This can be as easy as an oil free powder, or natural Silken Base Translucent Powder product that can also improve skin texture, is nutrient rich and protects and tones your skin.  Compact, loose powders are convenient during the work day, because you can easily apply it on top of your usual make-up, if you actually wear make-up.

Choose a healthy Fruit Pigmented Foundation to go along with your powder make up application. The Foundation formula is enriched with antioxidant packed super fruits, vitamins and other skin nourishing nutrients. Plus SPF20 protects your skin from the sun’s UVA and UVB rays. Healthy foundation also keeps your skin protected from the rest of your makeup. During the day you can apply dabs of it as it is needed in the places where oily shine is most likely to happen.

Finally, there are also additional skin care products that can used on a weekly basis to keep oily skin at bay. Items like Facial Masks & Scrubs done once or twice a week will help with your daily routine to tighten pores and keep oil production to a minimum.

So, really there is no cause for anguish over oily skin. These tips are just a start to help you easily fight the oil-before-noon look. Keep yourself in touch with your health, natural organic products, new advances, and treatments to help you win your battle against your problem skin.

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